
Post #1

Let’s read a book.

Photos by Isiah F.

Manga are comics or graphic novels originating from Japan. They seem very modern but actually date all the way back to a style of drawing from the 19th century. The medium comes packed with a wide range of genre’s and demographics with examples being Shonen (manga for young teenage boys), Shojo (manga that is for young girls), Seinen (manga for young adult men) and so on.

The pictures posted above are all examples of Shonen manga. The Naruto series being among the most popular as it is part of what was known as the big three. Manga is of course drawn by a Manga Artist which are known as Mangaka or Japanese cartoonist. They typically work long hours in a small studio with only a few assistants aiding them. Mangaka also have a set deadline to turn in their work which varies depending on the magazine one is contracted to. It can range from weekly to bi-weekly and even monthly (an example being Attack on Titan’s manga which was drawn monthly in order to flesh out it’s rather complex storyline.)

What was once a niche market is popular in many different parts of the world. Different countries even have their own version of manga. The equivalents being “Manhua” (Chinese), “Manhwa” (Korean), “OEL Manga” (English), and “Manfra” (French). Manga continues to gain notoriety and due to the increased popularity of anime this won’t be changing any time soon. Most anime are often based on a manga so this is also a contributing factor. Here is more of an inside look on how manga is created. The Youtuber Paolo from Tokyo has a video on what the life of a manga creator is like. Check out the video below you’ll be surprised at the bits of information you’ll find out.

Paolo from Tokyo has some really good videos about his life in Japan. His videos act as a travel guide of sorts so be sure to show him some love and check out his channel.

Posted by Isiah F.

February 27, 2022

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